Saturday, October 25, 2014

Children; Yesterday and Today

In this article I will attempt to share my observations of children I have worked with over almost 40 years of teaching and how they have changed. I am alarmed at the stages of learning that are not being met. When I was growing up and when I first began teaching children spent a lot of time in the out of doors. They played in the mud, dug in the garden, collected rocks and bugs, built forts and tree houses, climbed trees and rocks, who needed a climbing structure? When they came to the Montessori classroom they were ripe for learning.

Now our children have to have a soft landing wherever they go, and OMG if they get dirty they need to be disinfected. Our children’s lack of outdoor experience has a name: “NatureDeficit Disorder is not a medical condition — it describes our lack of a relationship to the environment. It hurts our children, our families, our communities, and our environment. Luckily,the cure starts in our own backyards.” To read more go to:  or just google “Nature Deficit Disorder”. It is very interesting and I believe it has a lot to do with where our children are today.

When I began teaching, I was in my early 20’s. I often thought then “I would like to work in an orphanage, parents just get in the way”. It did not take long to realize that parents are the main teachers and influence on their children and when we work as a team the children benefit.Montessori is a wonderful environment for children to thrive in and it is dependent on our team effort.
It was 1974, I was head teacher of a class of 36 children 2.5 – 6 years old. We sometimeseven accepted children just over 2. Why? You say. Because they were Potty trained and ready developmentally to begin in our program. Most children already had begun expressive languageand speaking in 3-4 word sentences. I think that expectations are the key, the children are very capable of this level of learning and parents naturally expected it. Actually, the sensitive period for potty training is 18-24 months, a child is capable of speech if it is expected and modeled. When we talk to children like we talk to adults, they pick up on more interesting vocabulary and conversational skills. As far a potty training goes, please don’t be offended but, when disposablediapers hit the scene parental motivation to help their child learn to use the toilet went out the window. Today we are all moving at such a fast pace that we do not want to take time to do what we can put off until tomorrow. This is not serving our children.

The developmental level attained by a 3 year old today is much more like a 2 year old back in the “olden days”. We get calls from parents who have almost  4 year old who is not yet potty trained. We work with children who do not look you in the eye when talking, who speak in stilted baby talk or point and grunt when they want something. Why is this? My guess is that the speed we move at today and TV have had the greatest effect o children. Because adults had to move fast, mentally and physically, to keep up in our society, TV became a great tool to keep children quiet and occupied. Unfortunately, this does not meet the developmental need of the young child. There is no response needed the program just drones on whether the child speaks to it or not. So language is stunted in a way. They hear words but do not have to speak back to them.  When children are with an adult the back and forth of conversation is absorbed by the child’s brain, which is like a sponge between 0 and 6 years old. The adult can slow down and/or enunciate speech as they converse with the child. They can also vary the words so their child learns to have a more interesting communication skills. Instead of “gimme water” or “wa wa” your child can be expected to say “I am thirsty, may I have a drink, please?” They will not get these skills from TV shows that dumb down language for children.

I really believe that it is not really the quantity of time that you spend with your child, but it is the quality and focused time that you spend which will give you children the most. So turn off the cell phone, computer and TV and spend 30-60 minutes a day, listening and communicating with your child, playing in the mud, building something, cooking, gardening, the possibilities are endless. You can never make up this time later. Remember the song “Cats in a Cradle” ( it is so true. Take it to heart. No one else can do what you do for your child. Also, this is not just Mom’s job; both parents need to be involved. Remember it is just a short time each day that will have lifetime of consequences.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Attention to Detail is Important

ATTENTION TO DETAIL IS IMPORTANT                                                    By Sam Parker

A recent fancy dinner reminded me of a story about my entitled 20­something youth ... a time when I thought the world was here to serve me (when I was a bit more of an brat than I am now ... I think).

It was the beautifully aligned glasses across the open table that gave me the flashback.

I must have been about 24 (how sweet the sound). I was selling insurance. To supplement my income, I waited tables in a popular restaurant in Washington D.C. (Georgetown). On this particular shift, I was standing around doing nothing and the manager (a young person, as well) came to me and said...  

"If you don't have anything else to do right now, in your section, make sure all the place settings are aligned nicely. I want you to imagine a string held over your row of tables, above the glasses. Those glasses should be perfectly aligned. Understand?" 

It's possible she added a please or two but I'm sure I didn't hear it.

I remember thinking (and saying with my eyes, I'm sure), "You're a fanatic." I remember being angry and thinking her request was just busywork.

And now, like so many things with an added quarter century of experience, if I were to see a video of my response, I'm sure I'd be embarrassed.

She was serious about her work. And now, she's the reason I like going to particular restaurants, shopping at particular stores, and working with particular people and companies.

Attention to detail. Care. To a fanatical level.  

I know it's a long shot, but if you're reading this and you think you're the "fanatic" I'm writing about (you were a manager at J. Paul's in the early 90s), please call or email me. I'd love to send you an apology gift. Really.

Sam (the guy behind this stuff)  |  804­762­4500 ext. 303

P.S. If you're a leader (with a title or not), what are you doing on a regular basis (an all­ the­ time thing) to inspire that deeper care and attention that we all want (inspire ... not control)? Call or email anytime. I'd love to hear what's working for you.

One or two of my books (below) might be helpful to you. Sometimes people are more open to the "let's get fanatical" message when it comes from someone not so close to the situation.  

Ideas and thoughts to help everyone stay focused on the good things that bring great results... 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Being a Montessori Parent

Being a Montessori Parent
By Karen Skinulis and Stanley Shapiro

You are the bridge between what your child will learn at Montessori and what your child can learn at home.  As a Montessori parent, it will not take you long to learn that every moment can become an exciting learning experience.

Choosing how your child will be educated, especially in the early formative years, can be the most important decision you make regarding your child’s future.  Research proves that the early childhood school education can have a lifetime impact.  The decision you make for your child now will affect his or her academic and social progress through adolescence, university and life.

If you have made or are thinking of making the decision to enroll your child in a Montessori school, you are probably asking yourself a lot of questions, such as:  What do I need to know that will help me more fully understand this fascinating approach to learning?  What can I do at home to help make the Montessori experience even richer for my child?  What makes Montessori unique?

While you may think that Montessori education is a method, it is really more an approach or attitude about life, growth and development. Montessori materials do not create that approach; rather, under-standing Montessori principles can help you create the right attitude about your child's learning.  Ba-sic to this attitude is to understand that you cannot learn for your child.  Only he or she can do that.  Your job, as the first educator of your children, is to help them learn for themselves.

For 100 years, Montessori has educated generations of children all around the world.  Dr. Maria Montessori, the creator of the Montessori approach to education, was a keen observer of children and how they learn.  Her methods and conclusions were ahead of her time; but, within the context of today’s enlightened educational approach, they are at the cutting edge of where education is head-ing.

The following will help you acquaint yourself with your child’s new learning environment.

Montessori at Home 

Remember the first time you walked into a Montessori classroom?  The beautiful, imaginative materials and the calm, orderly atmosphere probably enchanted you.  That is the same atmosphere you want to create for your home, and it is not as difficult as you may think.  After all, if a classroom with twenty or more children moving about can be orderly, certainly your home can be as well.

The principles of Montessori that your child will be experiencing at school all day are important and specific.  It will increase the benefit to your child if you can make the transition from school to home as seamless as possible.

Here are some concrete ways you can reinforce the experience for your child by using Montessori principles at home.

Encourage Independence

 “A servant does things for a child, while a (parent) should be an educator.” - Maria Montessori

You can continue the Montessori experience for your child at home by helping him learn to take care of his own body, learn the joys of an orderly life, and learn to be a contributor to the family.  By doing this, you engender a confident feeling of “I can do it myself!”

To encourage independence, always let your child do things for him or herself whenever he or she shows an interest.  If your child wants to help you cook, take the time to show him how to beat the eggs or tear the lettuce.  Explain the reason for the process.  It is always important when showing a task to explain what the end result, the accomplishment will be.  Then enjoy the wonderful experi-ence of working with your child at a common task.

Of course, letting young children do things for themselves—making their own breakfast, putting their clothes on, brushing their teeth—always takes more time and can be difficult in busy families.  The payoff is that they learn self-reliance and self-confidence, just as they do in a Montessori school.  Of course you have to always be aware of your child’s age, size and stage of development.  With this in mind, you can adjust your child’s room so they can access things like drawers and hangers without your help.

If you have questions about something in particular or need some additional general guidance, ask your child’s Montessori teacher.  He or she will be glad to help.

Establish Order 

The order of a Montessori classroom can also be echoed at home.  Establishing order in the home helps children become more independent.  An orderly environment helps children concentrate and focus on the tasks at hand.  Contrary to what you may think as you gaze about the house, children (like all  human beings) actually have a natural affinity for order.  The child only needs to be guided in that direction.

Take the time to set up the different rooms in the house so that everything your child needs is organized and within reach.  This is an imperative, because it makes everything so much easier for her to do things for herself.  And when she does, her confidence and sense of accomplishment will blossom as much as her sense of order.  It’s not as hard as you might imagine.  You can start in the child’s bedroom by using low bins, hooks and shelving that young children can use to put their things away.

Keep clutter to a minimum by rotating some of the child’s toys into storage so that they are not all out at one time.  Keeping their room orderly minimizes distraction and creates an environment that sup-ports concentration.  For older children, take advantage of some of the new home organization products to keep things manageable—things like CD holders, computer workstations, and closet organizers.  Another example of this is to make the entrance-way of your home child-friendly by having designated areas for boots and jackets.  In the kitchen you can have an easy-to-get-at place to put their bowls and cutlery.

The following are some other examples of how you can set up your home to encourage order, develop self-confidence and independence:
• Lower or install the hanger pole in the closet and towel rack in the bathroom so they can hang up their own clothes and towels.
• Hang a color chart in the bedroom so the child can see for himself what colors go together when picking out clothing.
• Dresser drawers can be labeled with fun pictures or photos of underwear, shirts, socks, etc., and dividers used to organize the drawers better.  Print or type the names oof the items next to the images.
• Lower shelves are a good place for storing toys, but avoid big toy boxes.  They can quickly be-come disorganized dumping grounds.
• A small step stool by the sink lets children turn on the taps themselves in the kitchen and the bathroom.  That means they can brush their teeth, wash their face and hands, and even help with the dishes.
• Keep all their toiletries (tooth brush, toothpaste, water cup, etc.) in a small box on the bathroom counter or in a low drawer so they can be reached easily.
• Place simple snack foods such as cereal and peanut butter on a special low shelf in the kitchen so they can help themselves.  Put a child-size jug of milk or other healthy beverage on a low shelf so they can pour themselves a cup and then put it away.

Help Children to be Helpful 

In a Montessori classroom, children are taught to be helpful to others and to take care of the class-room itself.  They wash chairs and tables, dust, organize shelves and engage in all kinds of activities that help them feel that they are valuable members of the group and raise their self-esteem.  Of course all of these activities teach children valuable organization and motor skills, but they are also wonderful at developing empathy and help the child develop the built-in emotional response toward caring for other people.  That’s why giving children opportunities to help out at home is just as essential as it is at school.

The most important part of helping children to be helpful is called “take time for teaching.”  Children absorb a great deal through observation, but you can’t only rely on that.  There are certain skills that you have to show them how to do.  This teaching should be part of your child’s daily routine at home, just as it is in a Montessori classroom.  Each skill should be taught separately, with a lot of patience and confidence in the child’s ability to learn.  This can be a lot of work for busy parents, but keep in mind that if you don’t take time to teach, you will spend a lot more of your valuable time correcting a child who doesn't know how to do things, or worse yet, does not understand the value of life and how to enjoy it.

Some tips on how to teach your child include:
• Let them learn at their own speed.  Often lessons to young children have to be repeated several times.  For this reason, times when everyone is rushed—such as when everyone is trying to get out the door in the morning—are not good times for teaching.  Do it when there is lots of time and calm in the house.
• When they try something for the first time and get it wrong (as they often do), don’t correct  them right away or criticize.  The focus here should be on effort, not results.  By all means teach them how to put their shoes on the right feet or pour milk without spilling it, but at a later time so that they don’t connect the correction with their effort.  Remember that criticism lowers self-esteem and motivation.  And creates a barrier to learning.
• Don’t interfere with children when they are attempting to learn something.  They will find it harder to focus if you jump in to  correct or explain.  Also, children won’t learn the skills if we do it for them; and worse, they can learn to become helpless and wait for others to do it.

Develop Concentration
Maria Montessori always said that a focused child is a happy child. Whenever possible, don’t interrupt a child when he is engaged and focused on something.  You can encourage focus by paying attention to what sparks enthusiasm and interest in your child, and then make sure you provide opportunities and materials to help this happen.  Does your child like water?  Let him wash dishes or scrub a soapy floor.  If she likes to build things (out of toothpicks or wood or cardboard, etc.), make sure you have the materials on hand.  

Like every skill, concentration deepens with practice.  Young children, even babies have the ability to concentrate, and yet, often, adults will interrupt.  Once interrupted, the child’s concentration is broken, and the engagement stops.

You can help develop your child’s concentration by limiting the amount of TV and videos your child watches.  TV entertains by constantly changing images.  This is occupation, not concentration.  Furthermore, TV limits your child’s ability to create his own visual images.  Another way to encourage concentration is to avoid interrupting your child when she is engaged.  This is the same courtesy we expect from your children—to wait until we have finished a task.  Lastly, create an orderly work environment for your child so that they can concentrate without distracting items such as TV, radio or clutter.

Children can do all kinds of things round the house, including:  setting and clearing the table; loading and unloading the dishwasher; making their own lunches; making their bed; feeding and watering pets; dead-heading and watering plants in the house and in the garden; cleaning mirrors and windows; sweeping and vacuuming; sorting and folding laundry; and bringing in the mail.  These are not “just housework or chores,” they are valuable learning experiences that will imprint areas of the brain regarding small and large thought centers, nerve and muscle control centers.

Even very young children can:  bring flyers in from the mailbox; scrape food off of dishes; put cutlery away; fold clothes; and organize shoes at the front door.  As they master the tasks, you will find them wanting to accomplish more!

Introduce Your Child to Nature 

Maria Montessori believed that nature talks directly to children.  Go for walks in the woods with your children to collect pine cones, leaves and seeds, or draw pictures of birds that you see.  Encourage them to observe insects (like an ant farm) or animals in the wild.  Growing plants from seeds or sprouts from a carrot top are always rewarding for children, and having a backyard garden makes a lot of sense, too.  Other ideal places for children to spend time are a sandy beach full of shells and other natural objects at the shoreline, or even just a yard full of snow.

Do Practical Life at Home 

Children learn by doing.  Practical Life [see glossary] is all about teaching a child how to take care of the environment and himself.  Children enjoy repetitively practicing real-life things.  Give your child the real-life experience of folding socks into pairs, polishing shoes, sorting cutlery and folding clothes out the dryer.  Children will spend many happy  hours with a button box filled with a fabulous array of buttons, sorting them into different colors, shapes and sizes. This is a perfect example of how you can take everyday objects (the more beautiful and interesting the better) to get your child involved.  Some of the best learning experiences come from the mundane and ordinary efforts of life, giving children the opportunity to exercise their mind and their motor skills.

Enable Self-Discovery 

Children love to discover things for themselves.  As a parent, your role is to help create the environment and provide the time for your child to find out for herself.  This kind of help can include:  asking leading questions, providing a few extra steps in an activity, or giving her time to discover and reflect on what she is seeing or experiencing.  It is challenging as a parent not to rush in and provide the answer when your child has a question, but with patience you will enable your child’s sense of curiosity and joy of discovery to blossom into a love of life-long learning.

Encourage Choice and Interest in Learning 

Adults, like children, learn best when engaged in self-chosen activities.  If you want to play a game or share an activity with your child, first be sure she is interested.  If you introduce a new game, do so when your child is most ready for a new experience.  Usually that means when your child is well rested.  Activities your child already knows can be engaged in at any time.  Be ready to stop an activity if your child becomes frustrated or does not want to continue.  Try to end on a positive note such as, “We’ll do this later, when you are ready.”  

Children enjoy playing games that allow them to build on previous learning.  Remember the Goldilocks story:  Just the right bowl of porridge, not one too hot or too cold.  If a game is too easy or too difficult, your child will not want to play, nor will she learn a positive experience if forced to.

Determining just the right amount of challenge requires  knowing your child and assessing the size of the steps to be taken when moving from one activity to another.  

Use Encouragement, Not Rewards or Treats 

Have you ever offered  your child a trade-off if he completed a task?  This is often tempting and can have a short-term effect.  But consider the message you are giving.  When you use external re-wards to motivate your child, he learns that there is no intrinsic value to the activity, and the only reason to do it is for the reward.

Encouragement is all that is needed if a task is worth doing.  It should have value for its own sake.  Comments such as, “You worked hard on this,” or “You did this all by yourself,” are the reward they appreciate and learn from.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Designing a Montessori Home

Designing a Montessori Home
Tuesday, 19 September 2006
by Tim Seldin 

Organizing the Home

The Bedroom

“We must give the child an environment that he can utilize by himself: a little washstand of his own, a bureau with drawers he can open, objects of common use that he can operate, a small bed in which he can sleep at night under an attractive blanket he can fold and spread by himself. We must give him an environment in which he can live and play; then we will see him work all day with his hands and wait impatiently to undress himself and lay himself down on his own bed.”
- Maria Montessori

Children’s bedrooms should clearly reflect their personalities and current interests.Even though on their own they may tend to create chaos, young children have a tremendous need and love for an orderly environment.  Everything should have its own place and the environment should be organized to make it easy for the child to maintain a neat, well organized atmosphere.
• Ideally, the young child’s bed should be low to the floor, making it easy for toddlers to get in and out on their own.  Rather than a crib, Montessori urged parents to modify the bedroom to facilitate both the child's safety and his early independence.  Consider a Japanese futon or a mattress  without the bed frame.
• By age five, you may wish to allow your child to use a sleeping bag on his bed instead of sheets and blankets. This will make it easy for him to make his own bed in the morning.  
• Mount a nice little coat and hat rack low on one wall where your child can reach them easily.  
• Decorate the walls with high quality art prints of children or animals hung at the child’s eye level.
• Mount a wall clock at the child’s level. Select one with a large easily read face.
• Modify your light switches with extenders to allow the young child to turn his lights on and off independently.  
• Hang a bulletin board on the wall at your child’s eye level on which he can hang art work school papers.
• Don’t use a toy box.  Imagine the chaos in your kitchen or workshop if you threw your tools and utensils together in a chest.  Instead use low shelves to display books and toys  Try to duplicate the look of your child’s classroom.
• Notice how Montessori teachers avoid clutter.  Place toys with many pieces in appropriate containers,such as Tupperware “boxes” with lids, basket, or in a sturdy plastic bag.  
• Use a sturdy wooden crate to hold your child’s building blocks.  
• You may want to create a model town or farm on piece of heavy plywood.  Paint it green and sprinklemodel railroad “grass” on it to simulate a meadow. Placed on a low table, your child can create wonderful displays with model buildings made of wood or plastic. Add little trees and people from a model railroad set.  You could set up a doll house this way as well.
• Store Lego blocks in a large, colorful and sturdy canvas bag with handles. Sew on strips of velcro to fasten the bag closed. In your child’s bedroom the bag will serve as a sack to contain his Legos. When you travel it is very easy to pick the bag up to come along.  
• Make sure that your child’s clothes chest has drawers that are the right height for him or her to open and look inside. Label the drawers: underwear, socks, etc.
• Flower vases: Encourage your child to collect flowers from the fields or garden for his room.
• Provide some shelf space for a small nature museum in your child’s room.  Here he can display rocks that he finds, interesting seeds, and (in small cages) interesting ‘critters.’
• Music should be an important part of every child’s life. Set some space aside for a simple stereo system and collection of recordings.

The Bathroom

• The bathroom must be prepared for your child.  He should be able to reach the sink, turn on the water,and reach his toothbrush and toothpaste without help.
• There should be a special place where he can reach for his towel and washcloth.  
• Most parents provide bathroom stools, but small wobbly stools often do not provide enough secure, comfortable space for bathroom tasks.  
• Build wooden platforms 6-8 inches high that actually fit around toilets and sinks.An Art and Crafts Area• Set up an art area with an easel and a spacious art table for drawing, craft work and clay.  Cover the table with a washable tablecloth.
• Children's art supplies can be neatly stored in separate tupperware containers. Depending on your child’s age, the art supplies that you prepare might include washable magic markers, crayons, paste, paper, fabric scraps and recycled household articles for making collages  You can keep tempera paint fresh by mixing it in Tupperware containers that are divided into three or more inner compartments.  

The Kitchen

• Make room in your kitchen for a child-sized work table for young cooks.
• Set aside the bottom shelf in your refrigerator for your children. Here you can store small drink pitchers, fruit, and the ingredients for making sandwiches and snacks. Use non-breakable Tupperware containers to hold peanut butter, jams, lunch meats, and spreads.  A child of two can open the refrigerator and get her own prepared snack or cold drink stored in a little cup.  A slightly older child can pour her own juice and make her own lunch.
• Use a bottom drawer to hold forks, knives and spoons. 
• Mount a low shelf on a wall for plates, cups, and napkins.

Children can help around the house

If presented correctly, children from age two to six take delight in caring for their environment, dusting, mopping, scrubbing, cleaning and polishing, and they should be able to do so as easily at home as at school.  It is perfectly reasonable to ask older children to straighten up their rooms and help with simple household chore.
• Give your child his own little broom or dust buster.
• Hang a feather duster on a hook.
• Provide a hamper for your child’s dirty clothes.  Ask him to carry them to the laundry room on a regular basis.
• The bathroom should have a small bucket with a bathtub scrub brush and a sponge.
• Folding towels and napkins is a good activity to teach the young chil